#29 - Rammbock (2010)

It's a zombie movie set in Berlin - I guess the English title kind of gives that one away, huh?  Actually, they aren't really undead at all, it's more like the "Rage" virus in 28 Days Later.  The story follows a man, Micheal, who gets caught in an apartment building with some strangers when the outbreak occurs.  The plot doesn't break any new ground for zombie movies, but it's very well done and while it isn't a comedy by any stretch, there is just enough dark humor mixed in to keep things from getting too serious for their own good.

This is a really short movie, at almost exactly one hour long.  I'm not sure why it's so short, but I think the film actually benefits from it.  It wastes no time getting right into the story - there are a lot of horror films that pad out their running time with useless exposition or "character development" that adds nothing to the story.  Not every movie needs to be an epic, and this one works pretty well as a shorter story.

There isn't anything particularly amazing about this movie, but it's pretty solid, available on Netflix Instant, and it's really short, so if a German-language zombie movie sounds appealing, I recommend it.  There are certainly much worse ways to spend an hour!


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