#22 - Knock Knock (2015)

(dir. Eli Roth)

A lot of people hate Eli Roth, and I'm quickly becoming one of those people. I remember Cabin Fever being OK, and I still think Hostel and its sequel are good movies, but in the past 10 years I don't think he has done anything worthwhile. The Green Inferno was extremely disappointing, and this one wasn't just bad, it was offensively bad. It's a pretty standard home invasion story, and owes a lot to Funny Games, but lacks everything that made that film good.

Funny Games is uncomfortable because it makes you feel complicit in the violence, and it suggests you may be a sadist for watching it in the first place. With Knock Knock, I got the impression that Roth not only missed the point of Funny Games, but actually enjoyed it too. Bell and Genesis are super unconvincing as psychopaths, acting more like obnoxious spoiled children than anything else. If there was a point to this movie, it was so muddled that I totally missed it.

So, I definitely recommend staying far away from this one. Almost unbearably bad.


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